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Found a total of 2557 record(s) across 128 page(s). Displaying result(s) 2261-2280.

Monster ID ▲ kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size ▼ Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
20359 Plaga Plaga 164 466,948 Medium Dragon Neutral (Lv 2) 2,122,500 1,485,750 No
20360 Mutant Plaga Mutant Plaga 178 760,548 Medium Dragon Neutral (Lv 2) 3,457,050 2,419,950 No
20361 Dolor Dolor 122 40,204 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv 2) 223,350 178,700 No
20362 Mutant Dolor Mutant Dolor 173 742,501 Medium Brute Poison (Lv 3) 3,375,000 2,362,500 No
20363 Venenum Venenum 123 40,720 Medium Brute Poison (Lv 2) 222,450 178,700 No
20364 Mutant Venenum Mutant Venenum 176 755,670 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 3) 3,434,850 2,404,400 No
20365 Twin Caput Twin Caput 125 41,735 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 2) 231,850 185,500 No
20366 Mutant Twin Caput Mutant Twin Caput 175 750,501 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 2) 3,411,350 2,387,950 No
20367 Contaminated Raydric Contaminated Raydric 185 2,372,683 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 3) 8,473,850 5,931,700 No
20368 Contaminated Raydric Ar Contaminated Raydric Ar 184 2,355,718 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 3) 8,413,300 5,889,300 No
20369 Frozen Gargoyle Frozen Gargoyle 186 2,377,139 Medium Demon Water (Lv 3) 8,489,800 5,942,850 No
20370 Contaminated Sting Contaminated Sting 180 2,297,907 Medium Formless Earth (Lv 3) 8,206,800 5,744,750 No
20371 Prison Breaker Prison Breaker 186 2,375,279 Medium Demi-Human Undead (Lv 2) 8,483,150 5,938,200 No
20372 Rigid Blazer Rigid Blazer 178 1,218,064 Medium Demon Neutral (Lv 2) 5,536,650 3,875,650 No
20373 Rigid Nightmare Terror Rigid Nightmare Terror 179 1,218,702 Large Demon Dark (Lv 3) 5,539,550 3,877,700 No
20374 Rigid Sky Deleter Rigid Sky Deleter 174 1,189,532 Medium Dragon Neutral (Lv 2) 5,406,950 3,784,900 No
20375 Rigid Earth Deleter Rigid Earth Deleter 173 1,182,695 Medium Dragon Neutral (Lv 2) 5,375,900 3,763,100 No
20376 Rigid Explosion Rigid Explosion 171 1,166,287 Small Brute Neutral (Lv 2) 5,301,300 3,710,900 No
20377 Rigid Kaho Rigid Kaho 173 1,178,774 Medium Formless Dark (Lv 2) 5,358,100 3,750,600 No
20378 Rigid Lava Golem Rigid Lava Golem 177 1,223,728 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 5,562,400 3,893,650 No
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