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Found a total of 2557 record(s) across 128 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1721-1740.

Monster ID ▲ kRO Name iRO Name ▲ Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
2847 Elusive Drainliar Elusive Drainliar 47 5,910 Small Brute Dark (Lv 2) 92,500 239,250 No
2848 Swift Dragon Tail Swift Dragon Tail 86 26,085 Medium Insect Wind (Lv 2) 258,750 727,500 No
2849 Solid Draco Solid Draco 114 182,050 Medium Dragon Earth (Lv 1) 583,750 1,596,000 No
2850 Dolomedes Ringleader Dolomedes Ringleader 132 272,955 Large Insect Water (Lv 3) 837,750 2,550,900 No
2851 Furious Dokebi Furious Dokebi 68 12,805 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 162,750 446,250 No
2852 Elusive Disguise Elusive Disguise 103 62,600 Medium Demon Earth (Lv 4) 416,000 1,130,250 No
2853 Swift Dimik Swift Dimik 116 107,575 Medium Formless Wind (Lv 2) 640,000 1,839,000 No
2854 Solid Deviruchi Solid Deviruchi 93 71,650 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 314,000 888,750 No
2855 Baby Desert Wolf Ringlea Baby Desert Wolf Ringlea 14 565 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 41,000 78,750 No
2856 Furious Baby Desert Wolf Furious Baby Desert Wolf 14 565 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 41,000 78,750 No
2857 Elusive Deniro Elusive Deniro 31 2,400 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 63,250 144,000 No
2858 Swift Death Word Swift Death Word 114 91,025 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 556,000 1,596,000 No
2859 Solid Death Word Solid Death Word 114 182,050 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 556,000 1,596,000 No
2860 Death Word Ringleader Death Word Ringleader 114 91,025 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 556,000 1,596,000 No
2861 Furious Dark Priest Furious Dark Priest 98 54,215 Medium Demon Undead (Lv 4) 370,750 908,250 No
2862 Elusive Zhu Po Long Elusive Zhu Po Long 82 20,770 Medium Dragon Wind (Lv 2) 242,500 678,750 No
2863 Swift Creamy Swift Creamy 23 1,235 Small Insect Wind (Lv 1) 49,000 111,000 No
2864 Solid Cornutus Solid Cornutus 48 12,290 Small Fish Water (Lv 1) 94,750 246,000 No
2865 Cookie Ringleader Cookie Ringleader 35 2,985 Small Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 3) 66,250 162,000 No
2866 Furious Constant Furious Constant 108 71,700 Small Formless Dark (Lv 3) 466,500 1,335,000 No
Prev. | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | Next

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